In the Classroom
Early childhood offers a unique opportunity in the lifespan to engage young children and their families in learning about health, nutrition, food and food systems all while children are developing their food preferences and health habits for a lifetime. Early childhood classrooms are by nature experiential learning environments where activities like gardening, exploring recycling or composting, learning vocabulary to describe various tastes and textures, cooking, and visiting local farmers and food system partners or inviting them into the classroom all create meaning and connections within children’s worlds. FTEC offers a lens for integrating curricula across learning domains while meeting high quality standards.
In the Cafeteria & Kitchen
With child obesity rates rising in Vermont since 2014, early childhood settings present a prime opportunity to help young children and families think about nutrition and healthy food options, increase their access to healthy foods, and develop healthier food preferences at young ages. Whether your early childhood setting offers snacks and meals on site or supports families in making and supplying daily foods for children in your care, thinking about food, kitchens, and child and family centered activities that provide exposure to new healthy foods can help form healthy habits for a lifetime. Taste tests, cooking projects, celebrations (birthday, holiday etc.), and family events where food is available all present learning opportunities. Furthermore, establishing a program health and wellness policy which includes guidance on nutrition, physical activity, and self-care sets the stage and expectations for healthy staff, children, and families.
In the Community
FTEC builds community connections and strengthens the local economy. Children, families, and staff learn about their connections to food, farms, and other food system partners through relationship building and activities such as harvest dinners, field trips, and hosting a guest visitor at the childcare location. Farmers can expand their markets to early childhood settings offering meals and snacks as well as through family purchasing at farmer’s markets or CSA activity. All participants benefit and help build protective factors for children and families.